Salford City Council praises three Salford schools for good Ofsted ratings

Three Salford schools have been rated as good in their latest Ofsted ratings, and Salford City Council has praised them for their achievements.

St Ambrose Barlow RC High School in Swinton, The Lowry Academy in Worsley and Irlam and Cadishead Academy have all received a good rating in recent inspections.

St Ambrose Barlow RC High School, Irlam and Cadishead Academy have both gone up from their previous rating and this is the first inspection for The Lowry Academy. St Ambrose Barlow RC High School also received an outstanding grade for personal development.

Ben Davis, Headteacher at St. Ambrose Barlow RC High School said: “We’re very pleased to receive this good Ofsted rating. Our teachers work hard to build good relationships with pupils and support them to have a high quality education.”

Claire Coy, Principal of The Lowry Academy, which is part of United Learning, said: “This ‘Good’ Ofsted rating is a highly encouraging signal for our school and is testament to our wonderful students and staff who make it such a warm and nurturing place to learn. We very excited to build upon the strengths highlighted in the report, as we continue to offer our students an excellent education which sets them up for bright and successful futures.” 

Chris Leader, Principal of Irlam and Cadishead Academy, which is also part of United Learning, said: “Our ‘Good’ Ofsted rating is a welcome confirmation of how far our school has come in recent years and the rich and high-quality education we offer our students. The feedback from Ofsted’s Inspectors is of course a credit to the hard work and commitment of our students and staff – as well as the support of our local community – and is something we all take great pride in.”

Councillor Jim Cammell Lead Member for Children’s and Young People’s Services, said: “We are very proud of what these schools have achieved. We know the teachers, the support staff and governors are all committed to providing the best education and support to the students they look after. These Ofsted ratings are a reflection of all the work they undertake to help children and young people flourish and have the best life opportunities.” 

The report for St Ambrose Barlow RC High School said:

Pupils feel valued, cared for and happy at this welcoming school. They spoke warmly of their positive relationships with staff. Pupils feel that they matter to their teachers. Pupils and staff are proud of the ways in which their school has improved in recent years. 

The school expects all pupils to achieve well, including those with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). Pupils develop their knowledge well over time. They receive appropriate help and support. This is because staff understand and recognise individual pupils’ needs. 

Pupils are encouraged to follow the school’s stated mission to ‘love, learn and lead’. They develop respect for the opinions and beliefs of others. This learning helps everyone to feel included in the school, regardless of difference. 

The report for The Lowry Academy said:

Pupils joining the school, whether in Year 7 or at other times, quickly settle in. There are clear and well-adopted routines for how pupils should learn and behave. These help most pupils to feel happy in school.

Most pupils work hard to keep up with teachers’ ambitious learning goals. They enjoy receiving rewards and badges in recognition of their efforts.

Pupils develop their talents and interests from accessing a broad offer of clubs and activities. These include coding and cooking clubs and a ‘knit and natter’ group. An assortment of sports, such as badminton, basketball and football, are offered to different year groups so that everyone can participate in physical activity. Pupils enjoy opportunities to perform, including in musical productions and the school’s rock and jazz bands.

The report for and Irlam and Cadishead Academy said: 

Pupils are happy in this tight-knit school community where they benefit from strong pastoral support. They have strong relationships with staff and feel safe. The school has high expectations of its pupils. In particular, expectations around behaviour have risen. Consequently, pupils’ attitudes to learning are positive. In lessons, pupils follow the school’s routines diligently. Current pupils achieve well in most subjects. 

Pupils are respectful. This is typified by the care and respect that they show to each other, their learning and the school building. The school instils self-belief into pupils. For instance, the weekly ‘proud’ table encourages pupils to celebrate their work. Moreover, pupils also develop their oracy skills and can articulate why they are proud of their work. There is a wealth of clubs on offer that cater for a wide range of pupils’ interests.

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Date published
Thursday 16 May 2024

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