Forward plan of key decisions

The forward plan details all key decisions to be taken in the next four months.

It gives you the opportunity to know what decisions are planned and who to contact if you would like to make a comment or find out more information. Background papers may also be available.

Key decisions are those which involve spending or savings of £350,000 or more, or which will have a significant effect on communities in two or more wards in the city.

The City Mayor takes key decisions in consultation with the Cabinet, except in cases of urgency when the City Mayor or one of his Deputies may take them in accordance with the Constitution.

In respect of the functions of the Procurement Board, The City Mayor has delegated executive responsibilities to the Lead Member for Finance and Support Services, in consultation with the Members of the Procurement Board, for decisions up to £1m. The City Mayor takes decisions in excess of £1m, taking account of the recommendations of the Procurement Board. The City Mayor has delegated executive responsibility for strategic regeneration matters and for property matters to the Deputy City Mayor who may take these decisions in consultation with Cabinet Members at the Property/Regeneration Panel.

Decisions can be taken if 28 or more days have passed since the proposed decision was published in the forward plan. The most up-to-date forward plan can be viewed below.

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This page was last updated on 23 August 2024

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