"A better and fairer Salford for all"

Paul Dennett,
City Mayor

Tackling inequalities - The Salford way

Ofsted rated our services to children and young people as 'Good' overall and 'Outstanding'' in the areas of care leaver support and leadership.

We increased the number of accredited real living wage employers in Salford to 112 this year, boosting the pay of local employees.

90% of primary schools are rated good or outstanding in Salford.

The council working with its partners, has helped 14 companies and businesses to relocate to Salford or expand. This has created 1,594 new jobs with the value to the Salford economy estimated to be £64.2 million.

Key highlights 2023-24

We agreed to purchase the Salford Community Stadium. Development of the site is expected to create 790 new jobs, attract £65 million of private sector investment and deliver £28 million of value to the Salford economy.

We served 51,458 meals as part of the Holiday Activities and Food programme and provided 1,700 take and make boxes for families to cook meals at home

A total of 402 affordable homes were delivered last year working with our Registered Provider housing partners including the council’s local housing company Dérive.

We have supported 10,253 customers to get online through our Digital Everyone Programme and supported 421 residents by giving them laptops and tablets so they can stay connected in the digital world.

News from the City Mayor

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