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Meetings for Customer and Support Services Lead Member Briefing

DateMonday 9 January 2006
LocationOffice of the Strategic Director of Customer and Support Services

Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the meeting room during the discussion and voting on the item.<br><br>Councillor Dawson has been invited to attend for the item on the Establishment of an Audit Committee.

Item Subject
1Declarations of Interest
2Record of Briefing
Mins for 191205
3Items Included in the Forward Plan( Part 1)
4Items Not Included in the Forward Plan

(a)Establishment of an Audit Committee

(b) Proposed Response to the Consultation on the Provisional RSG Settlement for 2006/07

(c) 2006/07 Council Tax Base

(d) Customer & Support Service Budget Monitoring Report as at 31st December 2005
Proposed Response to the Consultation on the Provisional RSG Settlement for 2006/07
Customer & Support Service Budget Monitoring Report as at 31st December 2005
2006/07 Council Tax Base
Establishment of an Audit Committee
5Other Decisions
6Other Business - Part 1

(a) Capital Programme (i)Resurfacing of A666 Manchester Road ,(ii)Barracks - Regent Park and (iii) 154 Langworthy Road , Salford .
7Items Included in the Forward Plan ( Part 2)

(a)Contract for the Inspection, Testing and Labelling of Portable Electrical Appliances for the period 1st February 2006 to 31st January 2008 with an option to extend to 31st January 2010.
Contract for the Inspection, Testing and Labelling of Portable Electrical Appliances for the period
8Other Business - Part 2

(a) Customer Services Division : Quarterly Update

(b) Law and Administration Divison : Quarterly Update

(c) Voluntary Early Retirement Schemes : A Discussion Paper on Future Proposals
Customer Services Quarterly Progress Report
Voluntary Early Retirement Schemes : A Discussion Paper on Future Proposals
Law and Administration Divison : Quarterly Update
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