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Meetings for Irlam and Cadishead Community Committee

DateThursday 20 January 2005
LocationIrlam Community Centre, Locklands Lane, Irlam.
Item Subject
1Apologies for absence.
2To agree, as a correct record, the minutes of (a) the meeting held on 18th November, 2004, and (b) the special meeting held on 9th December, 2004.
Minutes of the special meeting of the Community Committee held on 9th December, 2004.
Minutes of the Community Committee meeting held on 18th November, 2004.
3Matters arising from the meeting held on 18th November, 2004 - Action Sheet.
Action Sheet arising from the Community Committee meeting held on 18th November, 2004.
4Irlam and Cadishead Community Initiatives Budget Panel: (i) the Committee is asked to endorse the decisions of the Budget Panel meeting held on 5th January, 2005, and (ii) for information: financial position statements re. Devolved Budget and Community Use of Schools budget, as at 13th December, 2004.
Recommendations arising from the Budget Panel meeting held on 5th January, 2005.
5Landlord Licensing (Zoe Whiteside).
Landlord Licensing Report
6Victory Day - ideas for local celebrations.
7A Development Strategy for Central Irlam (Councillor Mann).
Directory of Recycling
9Feedback from Exhibition regarding Port Salford and Western Gateway Infrastructure Scheme proposals, held 6th-8th December, 2004.
10Community Action Plan - Priorities/Update on Achievements.
11Significant Planning Applications.
12Information Exchange/Good News.
13Any Other Business.
14Items for Information: (i) Greater Manchester Community Chaplaincy event to be held on 3rd February, 2005, and (ii) Salford Strategic Housing Partnership - resident members required.
Salford Strategic Housing Partnership
Greater Manchester Community Chaplaincy.
15Date of Next Meeting - 17th March, 2005.
Contact officer Claire Edwards
Title Senior Democratic Services Advisor
Telephone 0161-793-2602
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