St Ambrose Barlow RC High School


37 Ash Drive
M27 9QP

Telephone: 0161 921 1570


Headteacher: Mr B Davis

School type: Voluntary aided

Total number of places for year 7: 210

Total applications received by offer day: 396

Breakdown of offers at offer day (1 March 2024): All applicants offered places

Total numbers of offers made (including alternative offers): 210

Total vacancies: 0

Admission policy

St Ambrose Barlow RC High School is a Roman Catholic Secondary School provided by the Diocese of Salford and is maintained by the Salford Local Education Authority as a Voluntary Aided School. The school’s Governing Body is the Admissions Authority and is responsible for taking decision on applications for admission. For the school year commencing September 2025, the Governing Body has set its planned admissions number at 210.

The Governors recognise that the first responsibility of the school is to serve the Roman Catholic community for which it has been established. This is focused on the designated parish communities and the Roman Catholic primary schools that are partners in providing for those communities. In establishing their oversubscription criteria, the Governors have also taken full account of the Code of Practice produced by the Department for Education and the emphasis placed on supporting children in public care.

The nominated parish communities served by the school are:

  1. St Marks, Pendlebury, Swinton, M27 6BY
  2. St Luke’s, Irlam o’th Height, Salford, M6 7WR
  3. St Peter and St Paul, Salford, M6 8JR
  4. St Mary’s, Swinton, M27 4UR
  5. St Charles, Swinton, M27 9PD
  6. St Edmunds, Little Hulton, M38 9ND
  7. Christ the King, Walkden, M28 3LN

The partner primary schools are:

  • St Marks, Queensway, Clifton, Swinton, M27 8QE
  • St Luke’s, Swinton Park Road, Salford M6 7WR
  • St Mary’s, Milner Street, Swinton, M27 4AS
  • St Charles, Moorside Road, Swinton, M27 9PD
  • St Edmund’s, Little Hulton, M38 0WH
  • Christ the King, Walkden, M28 3DW

Maps showing the identified catchment areas of the listed parishes are available on the school website and the Diocese website:

Admission to the school will be made by the Governing Body in accordance with the following set of criteria which will be used to form a priority order if there are more applications for admission than the school has places available.

This admissions policy is designed to ensure that no one is directly or indirectly racially or disability disadvantaged. 

All children whose Education Health and Care (EHC) Plan names the school must be admitted.

Where St Ambrose Barlow RC High School receives more applications than places available, the following oversubscription criteria will be applied once places have first been allocated to children who have a statement of special education need which names the school.

Subscription Criteria for Admissions September 2024

Within categories 2 to 9, priority will be given to children who will have a brother or sister at the school at the time of proposed admission.

Admissions criteria

  1. Children who are Baptised Roman Catholic* and who are Looked After Children who are (a) in the care of a Local Authority, or (b) being provided accommodation by a Local Authority in the exercise of their Social Services functions (under section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989. A previously Looked After Child is one who immediately moved on from that status after becoming subject to an adoption residence or special guardianship order.
  2. Children who are Baptised Roman Catholic* and who live in the nominated parishes of St Mark’s, (Swinton), St Luke’s, (Salford), St Mary’s, (Swinton), St Charles, (Swinton) and St Peter and St Paul (Salford 6), St Edmund’s, Little Hulton and Christ the King, Walkden and who attend the following partner Primary Schools: St Marks, (Swinton), St Luke’s (Salford), St Mary’s (Swinton), St Charles’ (Swinton), St Edmund’s, Little Hulton, Christ the King, Walkden.
  3. Children who are Baptised Roman Catholic* and who attend a partner primary school but who do not live in the nominated parishes.
  4. Children who are Baptised Roman Catholic* who live in the nominated parishes of St Charles, St Luke’s, St Mark’s, St Mary’s and St Peter and St Paul, Salford 6, St Edmund’s, Little Hulton and Christ the King, Walkden.
  5. Baptised Roman Catholic Children with a parent/carer employed by the school (see note e).
  6. Other Baptised Roman Catholic* children.
  7. Other Looked After children and previously looked after children who have ceased to be looked after because they were adopted or have become subject to a special residency order or special guardianship order.
  8. Other children attending partner primary schools.
  9. Other children with a parent/carer employed by the school (see note e).
  10. Other children who are members of a religious faith community. A baptismal certificate or letter of support which confirms the veracity of the application with regard to the faith of the child will be required from their faith/religious leader.
  11. Other children.

Tie breaker

Where there are more children in one particular criterion than the number of places available, pleases will be allocated to the children whose home address is nearest the school. The distance will be measured in a straight line using the LLPG (Land and Property Gazetteer) information to measure the distance between the address point of the child’s home address and the centre of the school miles. Those children whose home addresses is closest to the school will be those who get priority for places.

In the event of a tie, where two or more pupils’ home address is the same distance from the preferred school and only one place available, random allocation will be used. This will be carried out by an independent person. Eligible names will be placed in a hat. One name will be drawn from the hat and the remaining place will be offered to that person. This process for random allocation also applies to the waiting list where two or more pupils are eligible for one vacancy because they live the same distance from the preferred school.

If parents are separated and the child spends time at each parents’ address, the address which will be used for admission to schools is that of the main carer. The main carer is determined as the parent who is in receipt of child benefit.


a. All on time applicants will be considered at the same time and after the closing date for admission which is provided to you by the Local Authority. Late applications will be considered by the Governors after all other applications have been considered.

b. All references to previous looked after children in the Code mean children who were adopted (or subject to child arrangements order or special guardianship orders) immediately following a period of having been looked after as well as those who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care our of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted. This means that the other provisions in the Code which apply to PLAC, (for example, in relation to the admission arrangements of schools with a religious character, selective arrangements, and boarding priority) also apply to IAPLAC in exactly the same way.

c. *Each Roman Catholic applicant will be required to produce a Roman Catholic baptismal certificate.

d. Brothers and sisters are defined as blood brothers and sisters, step brothers and step sisters and brothers and sisters by adoption

e. Parents should check carefully whether they are resident within the parish boundary of one of the designated parishes.

f. Children of staff at the school 

  1. Priority will be given to children of staff employed by the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made, and/or;
  2. The member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post of which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.

g. If an application has been turned down by the Governing Body, parents can appeal to an Independent Appeal Committee. This appeal must be sent in writing to the Clerk to the Governors at the school within 20 days of refusal. The parents must give their reasons for appealing, in writing, and the decision of the Appeals Panel is binding on the Governors.

h. All applicants will be expected to have completed the Local Authority’s application form and to have returned the form by the due date.

i. If in any year it receives more applications for places than there are places available, St Ambrose Barlow RC High School will operate a waiting list until 31 December of that year. It is open to any parent to ask for his or her child’s name to be placed on the waiting list following either an unsuccessful application or an unsuccessful appeal. The child’s position on the waiting list will be determined solely in accordance with the oversubscription criteria set out above. This waiting list will be re-ranked every time a new applications is received, meaning that applicants can move both up and down the waiting list. LAC, previously LAC and IYFA pupils take precedence for admissions over pupils on the waiting list.

Parents/carers will be contacted by the School Admissions Co-ordinator, should a place become available for their child.

Once the waiting list end-date has been reached (end of the autumn term) if a place is still required, the parent/carer will need to reapply for a place using the Local Authority In-Year Fair Access process.

j. For ‘In Year’ applications received outside the normal admissions round and if places are available then children qualifying under the published criteria will be admitted. If there are places available but more applications than places then the published over subscription criteria will be applied. All applications should be made to the School admissions team and will be considered by the In Year Fair Access Panel on a regular basis. 

k. The Governing Body reserve the right to withdraw the offer of a school place where false evidence is received in relation to baptism, brother or sister connections or place of residence.

Please note: If a parent wishes for their child to be taught out of their usual age group, they should make the school aware of this at the time of application. The school governing body will consider the request taking into account information provided by the parent and previous school, and whether the child has previously been taught out of age. The decision of the governing body will be communicated to the parent in writing giving full reasons for the decision.

If a place is offered to the child at the school but not in the age group the parent requested there is no right to appeal.

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