St Paul's CofE Primary School, Cross Lane

School details


Cross Lane
M5 4AL

Telephone: 0161 850 2455


Headteacher: Mrs W Budsworth

School type: Academy

Total number of places for nursery: This school manages their own nursery intake. Please contact the school directly for further information.

Total number of places for reception: 30

Total applications received by offer day for reception: 40

Breakdown of reception offers at offer day (16 April 2024): All applicants in categories 1-8 to a distance of 0.561 miles.

Total numbers of reception offers made (including alternative offers): 30

Total reception vacancies: 0

Admission policy

St. Paul’s is a Church of England Primary School provided by the Diocese of Manchester and is maintained by the Salford Local Authority as a Voluntary Aided School. The school’s Governing Body is the Admissions Authority and is responsible for taking decisions on applications for admissions. For the school year commencing September 2025, the Governing Body has set its planned admissions number at 30. This Admissions Policy has been agreed with the Diocese of Manchester and the Local Authority.

The governors will admit all children who have an education health and care plan in which the school is named. In the event of oversubscription for the remaining places they will be allocated by use of the following criteria applied in order:

Admission criteria

  1. Children in public care and previously looked after children. This includes any “looked after child”, “previously looked after children” and any child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order. ‘Looked after’ means that the child was (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions. This criteria also includes looked after children and all previously looked after children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted. 
  2. Anglican children who are baptized, and are resident in the parish of St. Paul with Christ Church, or have a parent on the electoral roll of the parish.
  3. Children who, on their admission, will have a brother or sister in attendance at the school. (a sibling, step-sibling, adoptive sibling or foster sibling who is ordinarily resident at the same address as a pupil who occupies a place in St. Paul’s school.)
  4. Other baptized or dedicated Christian children of denominations which are members of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or a local Churches Together organization.
  5. Children of parents practising the faith of one or other of the world’s great religious traditions, and who can provide evidence of this, who are resident in the parish of St. Paul with Christ Church.
  6. Children whose medical or social circumstances mean that their needs can best be met at this school as shown by professional supporting evidence eg from a doctor, psychologist, social worker.
  7. Any other children resident in the Parish.
  8. Any other children.


a. The Governing Body shall consider all applicants at the same time after the closing date for admissions. Parents will be notified of the Governors’ decision by the Local Authority on a date determined by the Local Authority and published in the Information booklet to parents and on their website.

b. Late applicants: - any application received after the closing date, but before the offer of places, will be deemed late and will be considered after those received on time. The offer of a place will be decided in accordance with the published admission criteria. Any application received after the allocation of places will be considered as they are received.

c. Parents should be aware that a Nursery place at the school does not mean automatic entitlement to a Reception place at the school.

d. Parents should check carefully whether they are resident in the parish boundary of St. Paul with Christ Church. The school office will keep map showing parish boundaries, which parents may consult.

e. Parents claiming eligibility on the grounds of Christian baptism or dedication (Criteria 2 and 4) or other religious beliefs (Criteria 5) should submit the attached supplementary form as evidence.    

f. It is the duty of the Governors to comply with class size limits at Key Stage 1. This means that the school cannot operate classes in Key Stage 1 of more than 30.

g. Tie Breaker: If, in any category, there are more applications than places available, priority will be given on the basis of proximity to the school. Proximity to the school is defined in terms of straight line distance from home to the school pedestrian gate. In the event of a tie, where two or more pupils’ home address is the same distance from the school and only one place is available, random allocation will be used.

h. Parents will be required to provide proof of address when a child is admitted.

i. Twins, triplets etc. Where there are children of multiple births wishing to be admitted and the sibling is the 30th child, the governors may admit over the infant class requirement if it is possible to do so.

j. Appeals : If an application for admission is turned down by the Governing Body, parents can appeal to an Independent Appeals Panel. This  appeal must be sent in writing to the Clerk to the Governors at the school within 20 days of notification of refusal. Parents must give their reasons for appealing in writing and the decision of the Appeals Panel is binding on the Governors,

k. Waiting List :The school maintains a waiting list. The admission criteria will be applied to all applicants on the waiting list in the event that a place becomes available.

l. Shared parenting: Where a child lives with parents with shared responsibility, each for part of the week, the home address will be decided by using the address on the Child Benefit Payment Book.

m. Deferred admissions : Children will be admitted to the Reception class at the beginning of the Autumn term before their fifth birthday and to the Nursery class at the beginning of the Autumn term before their fourth birthday. Parents may request that their school place be deferred until later in the school year and if they do this a place will be held for the child. They cannot, however, defer entry beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday, nor beyond the school year for which the original application was accepted. Parents can also request that their child attends on a part time basis until the child reaches compulsory school age.

n. In year admissions: Application for in-year admissions should be made to the school. If there is more than one application for a place available, the criteria above will apply.

o. Nursery Admissions: Application for admission to the Nursery Class should be made to the school. In the event of oversubscription places will be allocated in line with the criteria outlined above.

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