Godfrey Ermen Memorial CE Primary School

School details


School Road
M30 7BJ

Telephone: 0161 789 4382

Email: godfreyermen.ceprimaryschool@salford.gov.uk 

Headteacher: Mrs J Kinch

School type: Voluntary Aided

Total number of places for nursery: 45

Total number of places for reception: 60

Total applications received by offer day for reception: 59

Breakdown of reception offers at offer day (16 April 2024): All applicants offered

Total numbers of reception offers made: 42

Total reception vacancies: 18

Admission policy

Godfrey Ermen Memorial is a Church of England Primary School provided by the Diocese of Manchester and is maintained by the Salford Local Education Authority as a Voluntary Aided School. 

The school’s Governing Body is the Admissions Authority and is responsible for taking decisions on applications for admissions. The Governing Body has set its planned admissions number at 60 reception places for the school year commencing September 2025. For Nursery the admission number is set at 45.

The school will admit all children with an education, health and care plan naming the school.

Admission to the school will be made by the Governing Body in accordance with the stated parental preferences it receives, subject to the following set of criteria which will be used to form a priority order if there are more applications for admission than the school has places available (see notes a – d for supporting information).

Admission criteria

  1. Looked after Children and previously Looked after Children. This includes children who have ceased to be looked after because they were adopted or became subject to a special residency order or special guardianship order.
  2. Children in Need as defined by the Children Act (1989), ie those who are unlikely to achieve or maintain or to have the opportunity of achieving or maintaining a reasonable standard of health or development or a child/children whose health or development would be further impaired without the provision of services by the Local Authority. Confirmation of the child’s needs will be required from their social (see note e)
  3. Medical reasons - If claiming medical reasons, parents/carers must provide evidence from a medical professional that the child has a medical condition which means that admission to a particular school is  essentia (note f)
  4. Older brother or sister in attendance at the school at the date when the pupil is to be admitted. This includes stepchildren and foster children living with the same family at the same address. Other children may be considered under the sibling criterion provided proof is available to demonstrate that the children are permanently resident at the same address and part of the same family unit. (The authority accepts that in some family units the children may not be natural brothers and/or sisters).
  5. Has at least one parent/carer who worships regularly at the Parish Church of St Michael and All Angels with St Catherine, Barton with Peel Green. (note g)
  6. Has at least one parent/carer who worships regularly in any other Christian Church. (notes g and h)
  7. The child has been baptised according to the rites and practices of the Church of England – documentary evidence (eg Baptism Certificate) must be produced if making application on this criterion.
  8. All other children.


a. No child can automatically transfer from a nursery to a reception class. Where a school is over-subscribed, places in the reception class must be allocated according to the published admission criteria, with children who have attended the nursery being considered on the same basis as those who have not.

b. All applicants will be considered at the same time by the admissions committee after the closing date for admissions which is 15th January (or the next working day).

c. It should be understood that the order in which these admission criteria are written is the order in which they will be applied. Therefore children who meet criterion (1) will be admitted before any children who do not and so on.

d. Should the admission number be exceeded in any one criterion then priority will be given to those who fulfil that criterion and live nearest to the school, distance being calculated on the basis of a straight line using the LLPG (Land and Property Gazetteer) from the front door of the permanent place of residence of the child to the centre of the school. Where parenting is shared the address used will be that to which child benefit is paid.

In the event of a tie, where two or more pupils’ home address is the same distance from the preferred school and only one place is available, random allocation will be used. Random allocation means that the children’s names will be drawn out of a ‘hat’ by an independent person, supervised by a member of the Admissions Panel.

e. Children in Need: In Salford, children who would be eligible for this criterion are those who are at level 3 and have ongoing social worker involvement, and all at level 4 on the ‘Thresholds of needs and response in Salford’. For children resident in other local authorities, contact will be made with the child’s social worker to confirm that the child’s level of need falls within these boundaries of the Salford thresholds. Salford LA must have confirmation of an applicant’s level of need from an appropriate professional before they will be considered under this criterion.

f. Where admission is sought under exceptional medical criteria, applicants will be required to submit a medical form completed by an appropriate medical professional. Attendance will be deemed essential by the Admissions Panel where, due to the child’s medical needs, the location of the school, the school building, or the support it is able to offer the child is unique in meeting the child’s needs and cannot be provided by another school. Parents will be informed of the panel’s decision before places are allocated, so that where necessary they may change their preference schools.

g. With regards to criterion (5) & (6) ‘regular attendance’ means at least monthly for the year prior to the application. Written confirmation of attendance must be obtained from the vicar, minister or other specified church officer via the Supplementary Form.

h. In criterion (6) ‘Christian Church‘ is defined as one in membership with Churches Together in England or a local Churches Together group. A list of member Churches may be found on the Diocesan website.

i. It is the duty of the Governors to comply with class size limits at Key Stage One. This means that the school cannot operate classes of more than 30 in Key Stage One with exceptions of the children of multiple births or the children of armed services personnel over 30, should they be the final applicants.

j. Multiple births - If there is a situation where only one place is available and the next children to be offered are siblings of a multiple birth, all the siblings will be offered places.

k. The child’s homes address - The child’s home address is considered to be the child’s parent/carer(s) place of residence, that is to say, where they are normally and regularly living.

If parents are separated and the child spends time at each parents’ address, the address which will be used for admission to schools is that of the main carer. The main carer is determined as the parent who is in receipt of Child Benefit.

If a child is resident with friends or relatives for reasons other than guardianship, the friend or relative’s address will not be considered.

l. Temporary addresses - The Admissions Panel may, at its discretion, consider as genuine a child’s temporary address where, for example, the child is living with his/her parent/carer(s) in temporary accommodation due, for example, to their parent/carer(s) working commitments, whilst they are seeking a permanent address in the same area.

If the parent/carer(s) main address has changed temporarily, for example where a parent/carer resides with extended family during a period of sickness or takes up temporary accommodation due to building or renovation work, then the parent/carer(s) address remains that at which the parent/carer(s) was resident before the temporary residence began.

m. Change of address - Any permanent change in address must be notified in writing or by email to the School as soon as possible.

Where a change of address occurs after the closing date and before the offer date, the local authority will consider a change of preferences to be on-time only where the change of address is over two miles from the previous address (measured from address point to address point in a straight line). Where the change of address is under 2 miles any changes of preference will be considered as a late application.

Please take note of the following information regarding your child’s home address:

Many schools use children's addresses when deciding who to offer places to. You must give the correct permanent home address. This is where the child and parent, or the person who has care of the child or parental responsibility, normally lives.

We carry out checks to confirm that addresses are genuine.

If we are unable to verify an address, or any issues are raised concerning your address, we may carry out further checks.

We may ask to see two forms of evidence of your home address (photocopies are acceptable). This may include:

  • proof of where you are registered for council tax
  • your television licence
  • wage/ salary slip
  • proof of your child tax credits.

Any evidence you provide must show that the parent or main carer lives at this address.

If your address changes temporarily (for example, if you go to live with a relative) you cannot use this temporary address.

False information

If you give any false information to get a school place (for example, if you give the incorrect home address), we may withdraw the offer and your child may lose their place.

If you suspect that someone has given false information to get a school place please inform the school. Please note if any false or misleading information is deliberately given, including an address where the child is not actually living, then the school will immediately withdraw any places offered

n. Waiting list - Where we have more applications than places, the admissions criteria will be used. Children who are not admitted will have their name placed on a waiting list. The names on this waiting list will be in the order resulting from the application of the admissions criteria. Since the date of application cannot be a criterion for the order of names on the waiting list, late applicants for the school will be slotted into the order according to the extent to which they meet the criteria. Thus it is possible that a child who moves into the area later to have a higher priority than one who has been on the waiting list for some time.

If a place becomes available within the admission number, the child whose name is at the top of the list will be contacted to offer a place. This is not dependent on whether an appeal has been submitted. This waiting list will operate until the 31 December only.

If a place is still required once the waiting list has ended, then it is necessary to reapply for a place using the in-year admissions process.

o. Deferred admissions - Children will be admitted to the reception class at the beginning of the autumn term before their fifth birthday, and to the nursery class at the beginning of the autumn term before their fourth birthday. Parents may request that their school place be deferred until later in the school year and if they do this the place will be held for the child. They cannot, however, defer entry beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday, nor beyond the school year for which the original application was accepted. Parents can also request that their child attends on a part time basis until the child reaches compulsory school age.

p. Late applicants - Any application received after the closing date, but before the offer of places, will be deemed late and will be considered after those received on time. The offer of a place will be decided in accordance with the published admission criteria. Any application received after the allocation of places will be considered as they are received.


Where the governors are unable to offer a place because the school is oversubscribed, parents have the right to appeal to an independent admission appeal panel, set up under the School Standards and Framework Act, 1998, as amended by the Education Act, 2002. 

Parents should notify the clerk to the governors at the school within 20 days of receiving the letter refusing a place. 

Parents will have the opportunity to submit their case to the panel in writing and also attend in order to present their case. You will normally receive 14 days notice of the place and time of the hearing.

Nursery admissions

45 places are available in the nursery, and the Governors shall determine how many of these are to be allocated on a full-time or part-time basis each year, depending on the number of applicants.

Admission arrangements to the reception class are separate to those for the nursery. Attendance at the Nursery does not give a child any guarantee of priority when it comes to consideration by the Governors of applicants for admission to the reception class.

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