Salford Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE)

What this committee does

Since 1988, local authorities have had a duty to establish a Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE). Religious education is a statutory part of the basic curriculum for all pupils, but it is not a National Curriculum subject. Instead it is a local responsibility of the local authority through its SACRE.

The SACRE advises the local authority on matters relating to collective worship in community schools and on religious education given in accordance with the locally agreed syllabus. The SACRE monitors the effectiveness and appropriateness of the agreed syllabus, which is formally reviewed every five years.

It also publishes support materials, approves a programme of training for teachers and sponsors or supports other projects which it deems to be consistent with its responsibility to promote religious education and spiritual, moral, social and cultural education in schools.

When and where it meets

SACRE meetings are held once a term and are open to the public. Meetings will be held at various religious and educational settings at 4pm.

The next meeting will take place at 4pm on Tuesday 24 September 2024 at Woodland Suite, Buile Hill Park Hall.

Please use the link to access agendas, minutes and reports for the previous meetings of Salford Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE).

Committee members

SACREs consist of four groups:

Group AChristian religious denominations, other world religions and world views

  • Alexander Klein - Jewish community
  • Pat Wilson - Methodist
  • Imran Kotwal - Muslim
  • Sandra Burgess - Roman Catholic
  • David Milne - Humanist
  • Bhavesh Whader - Hindu
  • Joyce Yap - Ba'Hai
  • United Reformed Church - Ruth Watson
  • Religious Society of Friends - Sandra Dutson
  • Subhanita Wilde - Buddhist
  • Sikh - Vacancy

Group B - Representatives of the Church of England

  • Reverend Karen Owen
  • Reverend Thomas Gareth
  • One vacancy

Group C - Teacher members nominated by the main teacher associations

  • Anne Broomhead - NUT
  • David Levien - VOICE (Chair)
  • Three vacancies

Group D - LA representatives usually including elected council members


  • Councillor Adrian Brocklehurst
  • Councillor Heather Fletcher
  • Councillor Emma Cammell
  • Councillor Irfan Syed
  • Councillor Jonathan Moore
  • Councillor Arnold Saunders
  • Councillor Charlotte Youd 

Co-opted Members

  • Neil Fazackerly
  • Jo McGarry
  • Natalie Stables
  • Andy Simms
  • Chris Rice
  • Martin Shaw
  • Jessica Pathak  

SACRE officers

  • Deborah Crane - SACRE Advisor
  • Charlotte Robinson - Clerk (Minutes)

SACRE contacts

Advisor to SACRE

Deborah Crane

Clerk to SACRE

Charlotte Robinson
Personal Assistant to Deborah Blackburn (Director of Children’s Commissioning, Nursing and Wellbeing)

Direct line: 0161 686 5785


Downloadable documents

Previous agendas and minutes

If you are unable to view documents of these types, our downloads page provides links to viewing software.

This page was last updated on 16 July 2024

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