Autism and social communication team

The autism and social communication team are a team of specialist teachers who work to provide specialist advice for children and young people in mainstream primary and secondary settings, who have difficulties in the areas of social interaction, communication, flexibility of thinking and sensory differences. Some of these children and young people may have a diagnosis of autism, or may be on the pathway to a diagnosis of autism, but not all. 

Important - please read along with the downloadable documents below

What to expect following a referral:

  1. The team of specialist teachers process referrals weekly.
  2. Communication to school will be shared from the admin team with a referral outcome of allocated, deferred or declined. Deferred or declined outcomes may be issued where evaluation of SEN Support has been unclear or there is a lack of information or parental consent with the referral paperwork. On the referral form, we ask for a brief reflection of what provision has worked or not worked already in school, so that advice can be clearly tailored to the child’s needs in line with the graduated response to a child’s SEN.
  3. Getting advice - a referral is not required for this stage. Specialist teachers are able to discuss children and young people anonymously via school caseload meetings , telephone contact or email contact.
  4. Getting help - a specialist teacher may provide resources, signposting and general advice on their next visit to school or via email with the school SENCO OR SEN Team.
  5. Getting more help - a specialist teacher will make initial contact within three weeks which may involve; arranging an observation of the child in their day to day setting (please note observation notes may not be recorded), meeting with the class teacher, SENCO or other relevant professional, meeting with a parent or meeting with the pupil directly.
  6. Getting risk support – a specialist teacher will make initial contact within two weeks which may involve; arranging an observation of the child in their day to day setting (please note observation notes may not be recorded), meeting with the class teacher, SENCO or other relevant professional, meeting with a parent or meeting with the pupil directly.

Specialist teachers can provide time limited involvement such as: 

  • Training for whole staff to raise awareness about Autism
  • Advice about flexible approaches to teaching and learning
  • Resources and information about the use of visual support systems
  • Guidance about environmental considerations
  • Support and training to recognise and reduce anxiety
  • Advice about Sensory Differences
  • Support for transitions within school
  • Support for transitions between provisions

To complete a referral to the autism and social communication team please use the online form.

The autism and social communication team require the following documents to be uploaded with the online referral form (see the download section to download the documents).

  • Learning Support Service parental consent form
  • ABC behaviour analysis form (if applicable)
  • Any other relevant paperwork such as reports from other professionals such as SALT, EPS, CAMHS
  • Three areas of difference profile (if there is not already a one page profile or passport in place and attached to the referral that has been completed with parents/carers)

Online referral

Whilst completing the online referral form you can save your form progress by clicking the 'Save and come back later' button if you need to.

For further information please email

This page was last updated on 1 July 2024

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