Supplementary planning documents and other local planning policy documents

Salford’s development plan is the starting point for determining planning applications.

The city council has also produced a range of other documents that provide more detailed guidance on a particular issue or area of the city. These support the implementation of the development plan and may be material considerations in determining planning applications. These documents comprise:

  • Supplementary planning documents (SPDs)
  • Other local planning policy documents

Of the documents listed in the bullet points above, SPDs have the greatest weight in decision making as their process for production was in the context of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) Regulations. As most of the other local planning policy documents have been subject to some form of public consultation, they also carry some weight in the decision making process.

Review of supplementary planning documents and other local planning policy documents following the adoption of the Salford Local Plan: Development Management Policies and Designations

The Salford Local Plan: Development Management Policies and Designations (SLP:DMP) was adopted by full Council on 18 January 2023. It now forms part of the development plan for Salford and replaces all the policies in the Salford Unitary Development Plan.

As the development plan has changed since the SPDs and other planning policy documents were adopted, these documents have been reviewed to consider their on-going relevance and determine whether they can continue to be used to assist in the implementation of the SLP:DMP policies.

The review is now complete and the recommendations in the review were agreed by the City Mayor in consultation with Cabinet on 9 January 2024. The review can be downloaded below.

As a result of the review, some of the SPDs and other local planning policy documents have been revoked and will no longer be used by the council in determining planning applications. A notice listing the documents that have been revoked can be viewed below and at the Civic Centre, libraries and Gateway Centres. Copies of the revoked documents have been removed from the council’s website and the above locations.
Explanatory notes have been produced for the following SPDs and other local planning policy documents, to identify those parts of the document that have been superseded and will no longer be applied:

The explanatory notes are available to download using the links in the bulleted points above and should be read alongside the adopted version of the relevant SPD or other local planning policy document.

The remaining documents have been retained in their current form without any amendments.

Supplementary planning documents

Supplementary planning document Data adopted
Design and crime supplementary planning document 2006
Design supplementary planning document 2008
Ellesmere Park supplementary planning document 2006
Hot food take aways supplementary planning document 2014
House extensions supplementary planning document 2006
Houses in Multiple Occupation supplementary planning document 2024
Planning obligations supplementary planning document 2019
Salford greenspace strategy supplementary planning document 2019
Trees and development supplementary planning document 2006

Other local planning policy documents

Other local planning policy document Date adopted
Bridgewater Canal corridor masterplan 2011
Cadishead South regeneration strategy 2013
Chapel Wharf development framework 2022
Contaminated land planning guidance Not applicable
Design guidance: shop fronts 2011
Design guidance: conversion of shops to residential use 2011
Environmental Services policy document (Adobe PDF format, 410kb) 2023
Greengate regeneration strategy 2018
Playing pitch assessment and strategy 2018
Pendleton planning guidance 2009
Salford Central planning guidance 2008
Salford West strategic regeneration framework and action plan 2008
Shaping Central Salford’s spaces and places public realm handbook 2009
The Crescent development framework 2021
MediaCity/Quayside Regeneration Framework 2024


This page was last updated on 6 June 2024

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