Part two: Salford Local Plan: Core Strategy and Allocations

The council has started work on the Salford Local Plan: Core Strategy and Allocations (part two of our Local Plan). Between 13 December 2023 and 24 January 2024, a consultation took place on the scope of the plan, the methodology for undertaking the integrated assessment of the plan, and an invite for people to put forward sites that they think should be considered for development or designated as a Local Green Space in the plan. The comments received to the consultation are currently being considered.

Work has started on the Salford Local Plan: Core Strategy and Allocations (part two of our Local Plan). This will provide a planning strategy for the city and additional detail on the scale and distribution of development in Salford. It will also allocate sites for development and designate sites as Local Green Spaces.

We undertook an initial consultation on part two of our Local Plan between 13 December 2023 and 24 January 2024. We invited comments on:

  • The scope of the Salford Local Plan: Core Strategy and Allocations
  • The Integrated Assessment Scoping Report for the plan. The report explains how this technical assessment of the plan will be carried out to ensure that social, economic, environmental, equalities and health issues are fully taken into consideration.
  • A ‘call for sites.’ This was an opportunity for developers, landowners and other stakeholders to put forward sites that they think should be considered for development (which could be through a Local Plan allocation or inclusion within the Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment) or designated as a Local Green Space in this plan.

Documents that were prepared as part of the consultation can be downloaded below.

What happens next

Now that the consultation has closed, we are considering the responses received and assessing sites put forward. It is anticipated that a Draft Salford Local Plan: Core Strategy and Allocations document will be consulted upon later in 2024. The council’s Local Development Scheme will be updated in due course to reflect this, and set out the remaining timescales for the production of this document.

Salford Local Plan

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