Revised Draft Local Plan (2019)

The Salford Local Plan: Development Management Policies and Designations was adopted by full Council on 18 January 2023. It now forms part of the statutory development plan for Salford and replaces all of the saved policies of the Unitary Development Plan.

‘A fairer city’ Revised Draft Local Plan

Consultation on the Revised Draft Local Plan ended on Friday 22 March 2019. 

Following the consultation on the Draft Local Plan, the local plan was comprehensively modified having regard to the comments received, updates to the evidence base, changes to national planning policy, and work on the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework. The result is the Revised Draft Local Plan. A Policies Map was published alongside the Revised Draft Local Plan which shows the location of the sites proposed to be allocated for development and land given a protective designation. An interactive version of the Policies Map is available to view online. You can also view the individual chapters of the Revised Draft Local Plan.

All decisions about whether Green Belt boundaries in Salford should be altered, including whether any existing Green Belt should be de-designated so that it can be developed, will be made through the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework and not through the Salford Local Plan.

A number of supporting documents were published alongside the Revised Draft Local Plan, including a sustainability appraisal, community impact assessment, heritage assessments of site allocations and statement of consultation. These documents can be downloaded at the foot of this page. The consultation statement contains a summary of the main issues raised in representations on the Draft Local Plan and explains how these were addressed in the Revised Draft Local Plan. This is expanded on in more detail in the consultation statement appendices.

The representations on the Revised Draft Local Plan have been published and are available to view online.

Downloadable documents

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This page was last updated on 20 August 2024

Part one - Salford Local Plan

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