Salford's development plan

Places for Everyone was adopted on 21 March 2024 and therefore forms part of the statutory development plan for Salford.

Salford's development plan

Salford’s development plan currently comprises:

Decisions on planning applications must be made in line with the development plan, unless there are clear material considerations which dictate why this should not be the case.

Separate downloadable policies maps for the each of the above documents are available to download by following the above links. In addition, an interactive policies map has been produced which brings together the separate downloadable policies maps onto one map. The interactive policies map will be updated in due course to include details relating to Places for Everyone.

Note that the Places for Everyone Green Belt boundary supersedes that identified on the policies map for the Salford Local Plan: Development Management Policies and Designations.

Other development plan documents being produced

The Salford Local Plan is being produced in two parts:

The council has started work on the preparation of part two of its Local Plan. We recently undertook an initial consultation on the scope of the plan, the methodology for undertaking the integrated assessment of the plan, and inviting people to put forward sites that they think should be considered for development or designated as a Local Green Space in this plan. Find out more.

Local Development Scheme

The Local Development Scheme (LDS) sets out the planning documents that will be produced over the next few years, the timetable for doing so, and the topics that they will cover. This can be downloaded at the bottom of the page. The LDS will be updated in due course to set out an updated timetable for the production of the SLP:CSA.

Downloadable documents

If you are unable to view documents of these types, our downloads page provides links to viewing software.

This page was last updated on 2 August 2024

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