East Salford neighbourhood area

East Salford Neighbourhood Management Team on Facebook

Here you will find information about the East Salford neighbourhood area, as well as current news, useful contacts and opportunities for getting involved.

The area is made up of three electoral wards, Kersal and Broughton Park, Broughton and Blackfriars and Trinity.

Each of the wards is represented by three councillors. Therefore, there are nine councillors representing the people of the neighbourhood.

With its large and diverse community, East Salford is a very dynamic area. It has its roots firmly bedded in the earliest days of the industrial revolution, has been and continues to be an area where people come to seek opportunities to improve their own and their family's lives.

With its boundaries meeting Manchester and Bury on three sides, the people of the neighbourhood are proud to call themselves Salfordians.

The community committee

People's strong sense of identity is reflected in all the activities that take place in the area. Groups of local people meet to do what interests them; others learn whether it's in school, college, university or at adult learning classes; folk work in the many businesses in the area and others play in the sports, leisure and entertainment facilities that the neighbourhood offers.

All of these interesting and interested people are able to meet at the community committee. Local people, representing a group or members of the public meet their councillors and officers from the range of services on offer, to talk about big and small issues that affect them.

Community committee meetings for East Salford are held bi-monthly. Anyone wanting to find out what's going on or get involved is invited to attend. For information about community committee meetings, including dates, times and venues, copies of the minutes, or information on how to join the mailing list, visit the get involved page.

We hope you find these pages interesting and you find what you are looking for. If you would like more information or just to chat to us, please telephone or email your East Salford neighbourhood team.

Position Name
Neighbourhood manager Andrew Meadows
Neighbourhood development officer Lucy Renwick
Administration officer Joanne Franks

Who to contact

Remember you can contact us quicker, easier, better online.

Contact us online

East Salford Neighbourhood Management Team
Broughton Hub
50 Rigby Street
M7 4BQ
Map to this location
0161 603 4293

This page was last updated on 18 June 2024

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