An update at Clowes Park

August 2024

The play area refurbishment is planned to start week commencing 9 September and will take around four weeks to complete. 

Nest swing


Tango swing seat

A big thanks to the 80 plus children and families who created some lovely planting in the Life4aLife community orchard in the park, supported by Andy from the RHS and Phil from Life4aLife memorial forest charity.

Event reminder

The Rangers will be in the park next Friday 16 August from 10am to 12pm for family activities.

July 2024

Three events just announced!

Ranger led family summer activities on Friday 2 August and Friday 16 August

  • Time: 10am to 12pm

Nature trails, crafts activities and games. No booking required.

Planting in Clowes Park on Sunday 4 August

  • Time: 2.30pm to 5pm
  • Location: Life for Life Memorial Forest Area (behind the play area, other side of the wall)

Join us planting wildflowers in the Wildlife friendly orchard. All ages welcome and all materials and tools provided.

Weather! If the weather is severe enough to cause cancellation of the session, we have another session planned for 1 September.

Making a Woodland Walk in Clowes Park on Sunday 1 September

  • Time: 2.30pm to 5pm
  • Location: Life for Life Memorial Forest Area (behind the play area, other side of the wall)

Join us and help create a short woodland walk in the memorial forest creating a safe bark path and adding planting that will make the area 'magical' over time. All ages welcome and all materials and tools provided.

Weather! If the weather is severe enough to cause cancellation of the session, we will advertise a replacement session as soon as possible.

Play area refurbishment update 

The refurbishment of the play area will commence in early September and take around five weeks to complete.  

Alternative children’s play areas are available at:

  • Mandley Park, Leicester Road
  • Albert Park, Great Clowes Street
  • Riverbank Park, Littleton Road

If you have any queries or questions, please contact the neighbourhood team at 

May 2024

No Mow May

Clowes Park is taking part in ‘No Mow May’. You will see areas of the park that are not mown by Sam and the team during May, contributing to this national campaign to help bees and other pollinators.

Taster session on Sunday 12 May

Meet the Salford Ranger Team and see how you can get involved with volunteering in Clowes Park and Salford and find out about possible training opportunities and summer activities.

RHS and Life4aLife will also be doing some gardening and planting that everyone is welcome to be part of.

Drop in anytime between 2pm and 4pm at the Life4aLife area.

April 2024

Gardening taster day, woodland pathway and planting in the Life4aLife memorial forest

Thanks to the 50 people from the community of all ages who came together to create a woodland pathway and planting on Sunday 14 April (plants helpfully donated by the RHS).

Close-up of yellow flowers planted

Next gardening taster session and planting day will be on Sunday 12 May – everyone welcome.

Families helping to plant in the park on Sunday afternoon

Spring Bulbs planted by the community in flower!

Thanks to all the families who planted flower bulbs in the Autumn, kindly provided by the RHS and Rangers Team - now in flower for everyone in the park to enjoy.

March 2024

Gardening Taster Sessions

  • Clowes Park, Salford
  • Sunday 14 April and 12 May, 2pm to 4pm

Join the Rangers and RHS to help with the horticulture on your local park.

Find out all about the gardening training course that we are planning to run later in Spring.


Everyone welcome no previous experience required.

February 2024

Operation Re-home Shrubs

Sam and the maintenance team have been removing some shrubs from a nursery and put them in the pond area. They are Fagrant Sweet Box (sarcococca ruscifolia). 

Play area refurbishment

In December, a draft play area plan was prepared by the council’s Greenspace team and shared with local park users at bulb planting sessions in the park, in the park noticeboard and at Broughton Hub as well as on this page. (See the December 2023 update below for a link to the plan and explanatory notes.)

Thank you to those of you who commented on the plan. All your comments were collected and considered and we have made some changes accordingly.

We are pushing the refurbishment along because we were lucky enough to be awarded an allocation from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund for park. This makes up most of the £85,000 budget available for the refurbishment and the orders need to be committed soon so that we don’t miss out. The next stage is to issue the amended plan to several companies for pricing, to get best value. The anticipated date for building the refurbished play area is around June, before the school summer holidays.

Great as it is to have secured this amount, unfortunately it is not enough to include at this stage some of the bigger items some of you suggested, such as a zip wire and a higher climbing frame with slide. These will have to be considered in the future, subject to more funds being secured. Your help in applying for extra funding would be valuable. Some play items that have passed the annual play safety inspection are therefore being retained. All the safer surfaces are to be renewed in bonded rubber mulch.

To make the play area more accessible for all, the following additions and changes to the plan have been made following the consultation:

  • Addition of a nest swing

Nest swing

  • Inclusion of a Tango swing seat

Tango swing seat

Look out for more updates on the refurbishment of this popular play area!

January 2024

Thank you for your help!

A huge thank you to the 70 children and families who helped plant:

  • Four apple trees
  • Six oak tree saplings
  • 450 wildflower plug plants
  • 200 seed balls

In the Life for a Life memorial forest with the support of the RHS.

Wildflower Plug plants – these went in around the newly planted trees. 450+ Plugs in total of wildflowers Teasel, Scabious and Cow Parsley.


Seed mud Balls – the children made approximately 200+ of these to throw into the wildflower orchard area. The balls were compost mixed with clay powder and wildflower seeds. The seed mix used contained ten species of meadow grasses and 29 species of wildflowers including things such as Scabious, Hawksbit, Cowslip, Wild Carrot, Yarrow, Selfheal, Yellow Rattle and much more.

Close-up of purple and yellow flowers

Planting trees and getting ready for spring and summer

Sam and the greenspace team have also been looking after the park, planting trees and preparing the park for the spring and summer.

Thanks to Ka Leung Chan for sending in this photo of a tree being planted

Volunteers planting tree

All smiles from Sam and the greenspace team

Group of workers lined up wearing high visibility jackets, stood in front of water and trees

School children plant fruit trees and sow wild flowers

On Wednesday 24 January, year 6 children from the Broughton Jewish Cassel Fox Primary School planted six fruit trees and sowed a range of wild flowers at the Life4aLife memorial forest with the support of the RHS. The ceremonial Mayor of Salford presented a tree planting certificate to the school.

Don't forget that the seed balls and tree planting is happening on Sunday 28 January (details below).

Seed Balls and Tree planting in Clowes Park

Hand holding an apple
  • Date: Sunday 28 January 2024
  • Time: 2pm to 3.30pm
  • Location: Life for Life Memorial forest garden (behind the play area, other side of the wall)

Help us spread wildflower seeds in the life for life memorial forest area in the park. We will show you how to make seed balls for spreading flower seeds – a fun family activity. Also help us plant some fruit trees and a wildlife hedge.

Refreshments will be available.

Thanks to Life for a Life memorial forests and RHS for organising this event.


If the weather is severe enough we have to cancel the event, we have 11 February planned as a back-up date (same activities, location and time)

If you have any queries, please email the Salford Council Neighbourhood -

December 2023

Give your views on proposed improvements for Clowes Park

The proposed improvements to Clowes Park Play Area includes the replacement of old play equipment, installation of new equipment and the refurbishment of the existing.

Proposals to the adventure play area include the following:

  • Removal of the stone tower and wobble board
  • Installation of a new rotating net climber and twin balance beams
  • Replacement of the seat to the single point swing
  • In addition edging boards around some of the equipment will be replaced, the gravel footpath re-surfaced and the play bark topped up as necessary

Works to the older play area include:

  • The removal of the Igloo, Person and Commando climbers that date back to the 1970s
  • Installation of a rope end/Viking swing and a rotating swing for older children

Climbing bar and swing

  • Installation of a see-saw, sit in springy and play car for younger children

Two young children on play car

  • The replacement of all swing seats and the inclusion of seating suitable for older, younger and disabled children

Child on mirage seat

  • The existing slide and multi-play unit that remain in a good condition will be retained and a new surfaced path is to be built linking the slide to the rest of the play area
  • Installation of a new rubber safety surface to all play equipment
  • Addition of new seats, benches and wheelchair accessible picnic benches

Comments welcome – please email your thoughts and suggestions through to by 2 January 2024.

Bulb Planting in Clowes Park

Bulb planting took place on Sunday 10 December. We had a fantastic turn-out, with more than 40 volunteers helping to plant 2,000 spring bulbs. Thank you to everybody for coming along.

November 2023

Clearing vegetation around the lake

Sam and the grounds team have been clearing vegetation around the lake to let more light in and encourage new growth. The shrubs have been cut right back to allow them to flourish. This will also make the back area of the park feel safer. 

The team will also continue to work this week on the top corner of the park (near the bridge) to open it up in the same way.

New netting on the play area

The council infrastructure team have put new netting on the play area after it damaged earlier in the year.

October 2023

A pair of hands touching the grass

3,000 spring bulbs planted by the community

A huge thanks to everyone who came out in the Autumn sunshine yesterday – over 100 people planted 3,000 spring bulbs in the park. Supported by the RHS, Life4aLife memorial forest, the council's Rangers and Health Improvement Team and the Number One Youth Club.

Weather permitting there will be a second spring bulb planting day on Sunday 19 November at 2pm.

September 2023

Four different flowers

Bulb Planting in Clowes Park next month

  • Date and time: Sunday 22 October, 2pm to 4pm
  • Location: Near the Lake as you walk down the New Hall Road entrance. Look for Gazebos and friendly faces.

Help plant bulbs for a beautiful display next spring and see what other free activities we have on offer. Take away with you a small pot of crocus to grow at home. Also a chance to add to the conversation around what you would like from the park.

Please save the date, join us and share with friends and family.

Salford Rangers Service and the great team at RHS Bridgewater (aka Andy) will be co ordinating the session.

If you have any queries, please email the Salford Council Neighbourhood -

Memorial area

Sam and the team have cleared the area around the memorial birch trees and plaque in the park and the team at Life for a Life have reaffixed the plaque in place.

August 2023

Sam and the team have provided more ‘cushion fall’ protection in the play area:

Park maintenance plan

This is the park maintenance plan that Sam and the team are working to maintain and improve Clowes Park:

  • Replace timber and netting to damaged climber
  • Fit inclusive swing seat to existing frame
  • Install second litter bin by gate
  • Replace re-cycling bin opposite play area
  • Replace old round bin opposite Brantwood Road entry
  • Sow wildflower mix on site of boathouse
  • Cut back tree/scrub around lake edge
  • Remove sign adjacent to noticeboard
  • Replace coping stones to main seating area
  • Clear leaves inside all entry gates
  • Move railing back 1.2m or cut back seam and re-surface at training walls:
    • By Brantwood Road entry
    • Opposite Parklake Avenue
  • Replace slats to damaged seats
  • Plant selected standard tree replacements

July 2023

Freshly painted playground railings

Sam and the grounds maintenance team have painted the playground railings at Clowes Park – don’t they look colourful?!

March 2023

Boundary wall between the play areas and the Life for a Life memorial forest

Following recent inspections and recommendations on safety, we have had to address the condition of the historic red brick wall that separates the play areas and the Life for a Life memorial forest.

As it is historic to Clowes Park, we looked at how we could keep the wall without it imposing a health and safety risk. The recommendation was to take down the top one metre of the wall and restore the remaining wall, which has now been completed.

An additional benefit of lowering this section of boundary wall is that lines of sight into the memorial forest are improved. Much of the anti-social behaviour reported takes place here and this enhanced visibility will assist park patrols and self-policing.

If you have any comments or wish to share your thoughts on how we can work together to improve Clowes Park, you can email us at

Help keep Clowes Park clean and safe for everyone

Please let us know if:

  • the bins need emptying
  • graffiti, litter, or fly-tipping needs removing
  • you see any damage to equipment

Report online

Call us: 0161 793 2500 (or 0161 794 8888 evenings and weekends if urgent)

Tell us on Twitter: @SalfordCCHelp

If you witness a crime please inform the police on 101

February 2023

Clowes Park workshop

A workshop was held on Monday 6 February at Broughton Hub to carry on conversations about how we can work together to make improvements to Clowes Park.

The workshop:

  • Highlighted the conversation findings (what you value about the park, what are the concerns, what you want to see and how you want to be involved)
  • Showcased the achievements and significant improvements made possible by a community group at another local park
  • Identified the key areas of interest and how people want to get involved

Many different viewpoints were expressed and although not everyone shared the same vision, we are hopeful that the interest groups proposed (outlined below) will soon make some tangible improvements to the park and follow up on the areas of interest.

There was interest in:

  1. A park history group
  2. A park tidying group
  3. A group to look at funding for larger pieces of work, particularly the play area
  4. Researching the feasibility of memorial benches

To progress these areas of interest, we will be setting dates shortly for everyone to come together to discuss further.

Clowes Park conversation feedback

Three drop-in conversations were held between September and November 2022.

The drop-ins gave park users and local residents the chance to say what they wanted from the park, discover how to get involved in the park and meet their local councillors and the council’s neighbourhood, parks, health improvement and youth services officers. Salford Community and Voluntary Services and Life for a Life Memorial Forests were also there to assist. 

If you have not been able to attend any of these occasions, please be assured that the door will be kept open and new ways found to hear your voice. We hope you will join the conversation as we progress.

What you told us was important

The table below gives the number of people who mentioned the suggestions and issues listed but here is a summary.

Meeting people

In giving their reasons for visiting the park, 30% of you included ‘to meet friends’ or ‘to care for others’. You told us about the positive social interaction that takes place in the park and how this could be encouraged and made easier. You suggested that more and better seating, provision of some shelter and toilets and an outlet for refreshments would encourage people to come to the park and to extend their stay.


Many of you valued the park as a place for peaceful relaxation, a refuge from the city. You appreciate the simple walk around the lake taking in the varied scenery of trees, lake, and lawns. 

Better maintenance

However, the water quality and littering of the lake is the most common issue for the park that came out of the conversation.  There are elements in the park’s maintenance that you would like to see improved, for example, maintenance of overgrowth, removal of litter and offensive graffiti. The addition of new flower beds to enhance the park.

Improved play facilities

Many of you come to the park to use or supervise children at the play areas. These are very well used at certain times of the day and week. You recognised that the play areas are dated and limited in their play value. They need modernising for all ages and capabilities, with stimulating new equipment and more seating provided within the play zones and elsewhere in the park.


Some of you wanted to see more provision for recreation and exercise in the park: examples are given in the table below. In places, the pathways are seen as being too narrow to accommodate the number of visitors and the different uses at busy times.

Personal safety and anti-social behaviour

Against this positive experience of the park and your suggestions for improvement in the future, one third of you expressed concerns for your personal safety at times in the park and about regular anti-social behaviour taking place, particularly during evenings and after dark, sometimes after midnight. The noise, fire making and intimidation that can result is disturbing to residents nearby and threatening to park users visiting the park for legitimate reasons. Park features such as the boat house and the Life for a Life Memorial Forest are being damaged by this activity.

Amongst the suggestions to counter this anti-social behaviour were to install CCTV cameras, provide lighting in the park and to lock the perimeter gates at night. In addition, there were calls for more youth outreach work and for a purpose-designed youth zone.

Regular communication

To help maintain regular and consistent communication between park users, near-neighbours and the local authority, a regular bulletin was recommended, posted on site, and distributed in other ways to the neighbourhood. This should include an email point of contact. Improved signage at the park was also put forward to assist in both this and to better control dogs in the park.

Getting involved

Ten offers to volunteer for the benefit of the park in various ways came forward. These might be led and supported sessions, for example to help clear rubbish from the lake or learn about gardening and assisting with park enhancements. Park users offered to help advise on the accessibility of the park. Volunteers might form a group that enables community activities on the park, including a possible community café.

There were entrepreneurial suggestions coming forward too, for example to assess boating on the lake.

You can contact us at

Table of numbers

Suggestions and issues

Percentage of people quoting (%)

Clean the lake


Improve the play area


Improve / increase seating


Provide more litter bins / littering problem


Concerns about personal safety and anti-social behaviour


Maintain the trees and shrubs


Provide for recreation and exercise, eg football, tennis, basketball, bikes, outdoor gym, running, fitness and walking


Provide shelter


Improve the pathways


Provide lighting


Provide toilets


Set up a café or mobile coffee


Improve the railings and gates


Lock the park gates overnight


Encourage nature and wildlife


Introduce flower beds


Remove graffiti


Offer to volunteer


Install CCTV cameras


More youth work / create youth zone


Re-build boat house


Signage and action on control of dogs


Boating on the lake


Improve maintenance of the park in general



  • Feedback based on 100 conversations held on Wednesday 21 September and Sunday 23 October at Clowes Park and Sunday 13 November 2022 at the session for young people at Fulda’s Hotel.
  • In the table are the numbers/percentage of those who spoke to us who mentioned the suggestions and issues, as recorded on their returns and ranked by percentage.
  • Of those who spoke to us, 69% were estimated to be adults (aged 21 and over), 31% were young people (aged under 21). Where stated, 17 lived as near neighbours of the park, 31 lived within 1.2km and four lived further away.

Partners who hosted the Clowes Park conversation and prepared feedback:

This page was last updated on 27 August 2024

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