Salford's neurodevelopmental offer

Welcome to Salford’s neurodevelopmental webpages. We hope you find these pages helpful. They aim to provide advice, guidance and support for children and young people with neurodevelopmental needs.

The text 'Neurodevelopmental approach' is in the centre circle, with seven smaller circles all around it with the following text: Graduated approach settings; Workforce development; Workshops; Enhanced intervention courses; Resources including LO, ND web pages, library resources; Specialist services (Education, LA, Health and Social Care); Diagnostic assessment pathway

Salford’s Local Offer pages also provide information on what support services are available in Salford for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their parents/carers. Access the Local Offer pages.

The pages include information on:

  • Neurodevelopment – This provides information on what neurodevelopment is, what we may notice when a child or young person has some neurodevelopmental needs and the impact of these day to day.
  • Salford’s Neurodevelopmental Support Offer – This includes how to get help. The information on these pages covers a range of areas including sleep, behaviour, language and communication, mental health and wellbeing, learning and sensory skills. It also has information on services you can access to support these areas as well as the links to the online referral form for a neurodevelopmental assessment.
  • Salford’s Neurodevelopmental Assessment Pathway – This provides guidance on how to make a request for a neurodevelopmental assessment, the criteria to follow and the assessment process where requests are accepted. You can also view an example request form so you are aware of the information that is required. Please look at this section before a request is made to the Neurodevelopmental Assessment Pathway.
  • Adults with neurodevelopmental needs – This section signposts adults and our parents / carers if they have questions on their own neurodevelopmental needs.

We hope you find this information useful. Over the coming weeks we will be adding to these pages including our introductory workshop dates and courses as we develop our support offer. Please keep using the pages so you are aware of what is on offer.

Please be aware that some of the content does talk about specific neurodevelopmental diagnoses such as Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and Developmental Language Disorder. The tips, advice and strategies are useful for children and young regardless of whether they have a diagnosis or not where there is a neurodevelopmental need.

Understanding autism

The short films below delve into the importance of fostering a positive and constructive understanding of autism among children and young people. The topics of the videos are:

  • Understanding sensory differences
  • Masking and autistic burnout
  • Autism myth-busting
  • Supporting autistic children and young people

Watch the videos

How to contact us
