Timetable and key dates for headcount returns

Please check the submission dates for the headcount tasks. If you are unable to meet any of the deadlines, you must notify Starting Life Well (SLW) by emailing slw@salford.gov.uk the term before the headcount task opens or asap once you are aware you are unable to meet the deadline.

For a copy of ‘Timetable and key dates for headcount returns 2024/25’ please email nursery.funding@salford.gov.uk

The dates are proposed, and it may be necessary to change the dates to work around essential maintenance. Notification will be sent to advise where changes may be applicable.

A blank headcount (nil return) should be submitted even if you have no children eligible for funding for the current term. End dates should be entered for children who have left your childcare provision.

End dates must be entered for children who are not returning in the following term on the adjustment headcount. An end date should only be entered to an actual headcount if a child has already left or is expected to leave before the end of term.

A non-submission will be interpreted as a nil return and no payment will be made.

An administration charge will be applied to open the headcount if the deadline has been missed.

Payments are made in term time blocks. It is at the childcare provider’s discretion to implement stretched weeks to accommodate parental preference. Please be mindful of the number of funded hours to be stretched across terms.

Please do not submit claims for 2 year old children in attendance, unless you have seen evidence of the Salford 2 year old funding eligibility voucher.

2 year old funding

ALL 2 YOF children need to apply for funded hours and hold a SALFORD 2YOF eligibility voucher, regardless of which local authority they reside in.

More information about free childcare funding for two year olds.

3 and 4 year old funding (30 hours)

If you are claiming 3 and 4 year old funded extended entitlement (30 hours) you must have checked and validated the 30 hours eligibility code and ensure they are eligible for the term. Parents must apply for 30 hours funding in the previous term and reconfirm their eligibility when requested to do so by Childcare Choices.

Parents receive reminders by text or email. However, this could become problematic if they have changed their email address or mobile number and have not informed Childcare Choices. Please monitor the Early Years portal 30 hours dashboard alerts to encourage parents who are due to reconfirm do so on time.

Where children are moving to school in the autumn term please continue to encourage them to reconfirm and pass their 30 hours code onto the school when they commence there.

A claim for funding should not be made unless eligibility for funding has been verified and they are physically attending.

Please ensure that a parent declaration / contract form has been completed for funded children prior to commencement of the placement. It is a requirement of funding that a parent declaration (contract) form is in place.

Forms can be downloaded from the two, three and four year old funded providers page.

Providers can set the start and end dates of terms to meet the needs of parents and staff as long as the number of indicated funded weeks are delivered for each term.

SLW must be informed of any non-attendance for a period of longer than two weeks or irregular attendance.

Tell us about any non-attendance

Moving to another childcare provider

Funded children can move their funding to another childcare provider at the start of a new term. However, we would hope that they would inform you of their intention to move their child's funding to another childcare provider. However, sometimes this is not the case, so it is important that you check with families that their child will be returning in the new term.

Should you have any late starters commence after the headcount submission please email SLW@Salford.gov.uk providing the following details:

  • Name of the child
  • DOB
  • Start date

Please contact Starting Life Well should you have a child starting mid term and children who are transferring from another provider or local authority must complete a transfer request form prior to the move:

Complete the transfer request form

This page was last updated on 11 July 2024

Early years entitlements for funded childcare providers

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