Miss School, Miss Out

Children and young people who miss school, miss out on not only learning and education, but also spending time with other children and friends, which helps with developing social and emotional skills. Children who miss school more than others, sometimes find it more difficult to keep friendships.

Some parents may say taking their children out of school for a few days won’t impact on their children’s education. Being at school every day means children’s learning will improve, they will be able to attend all school activities like out-of-school clubs and school trips, and they will have better futures.

We understand everyone is sick sometimes, but regularly taking days off for illness is a cause for concern. Where possible, parents should encourage their children to come to school. 

Long-term effects of missing school

If children are absent, it can impact not only on school grades, but their later life. If they’re absent for five more days than the average, young people are more likely to not be in work by age 42 and have lower wages.

Did you know?

  • By going to school, children can meet with their friends for social and emotional development and not become isolated at home.
  • Children who stay away from school are struggling more with their mental health and some are even unable to leave home.
  • It’s much more difficult for children to keep up with their education if they miss school and so fall behind – teachers have to make sure all students are progressing.
  • Teachers are following a curriculum, and if children have been out of the class, they may find the next bit of the topic much harder to understand.

Missing out on school adds up

  • 80% attendance over a school year means your child misses a whole year of education over five years.
  • 85% attendance means that 29 school days, nearly six weeks, or 145 lessons are missed over a year.
  • 90% attendance means 19 school days, four weeks or 95 lessons are missed over a year.

Keeping children safe

We want to ensure children and young people are in a safe space and not at risk of getting involved in crime and becoming exploited. The best way schools know children are safe during school hours is when they are in school.

Getting help

If children are struggling to attend school every day, please speak to the school to see what help is available for both children and parents. This could include learning support or mental health support, such as worries or anxiety about attending school (EBSA). We have lots of services that can support with many different issues or barriers to attendance and you can see more about this help by scrolling down this page.

The Salford Family Relationships team offer a number of interventions designed to help families and to support common parenting queries and questions. Parents and carers can access information 24/7 via our Being a parent page or attend a session in person or on line at different times of the day and week to suit you. Early Help schools co-ordinators can support schools to signpost to these sessions and Salford family relationship practitioners are available across the city to support any enquiries.

If you need advice and support to help you and your children overcome attendance difficulties, please contact our team direct by emailing EWS@salford.gov.uk

EBSA (Emotional Barriers to School Attendance)

EBSA support is available for children and young people who experience difficulty attending school due to emotional factors. We know the earlier difficulties are identified, and support is put in place, the more successful we can be in developing children’s access to education and ongoing life experiences.

For some children and young people, returning to school after the Covid-19 pandemic has been very challenging. There is EBSA support available in Salford for children who are, and who are not, currently attending school.

EBSA support – find out more

School Attendance Team

We provide help, advice and support to those children, young people and their families who are experiencing education related difficulties especially around regular attendance at school.

School Attendance Team - find out more

Early help for families

Salford Family Partnership is how we offer early help for children, young people and families in Salford. 

Early help for families - find out more

Free school uniform exchange

Our free school uniform exchange will be available until September 2023.

Our exchange makes it easy for families to pass on pre-loved or new uniform that is no longer needed or find school uniform items for free.

Head to any of our local gateways or Swinton Civic Centre to see if we have any suitable uniform available for your child and get any help and support you may need.

We will be accepting donations of uniform for all local schools in Salford. The majority of the items donated are second-hand and in good condition. There may also be a number of items donated which are brand new.

Donations will continue to be accepted throughout the year.

Find My Future

This is the place for young people, parents and carers to find out what’s on offer from a wide range of organisations across the city for post 16 education, employment and training. Information is provided for different age categories.

Find my future - find out more

Emotional health and wellbeing

Everyone feels worried, anxious and stressed about things at some point in their life and it is normal to feel like that.

But there are times when these feelings can feel overwhelming and you need to know where you can get information, advice and support.

Emotional health and wellbeing - find out more


Kooth is a free online counselling service for Salford young people aged between 11 to 18 years old. All you need to do is register to be able to access lots of information and advice.

For more information have a look at the short Kooth film.

Kooth - find out more


A good source of information and advice can also be found on the YoungMinds website, the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people, you can also find more on our Emotional Health and Wellbeing useful information page.

YoungMinds - find out more


CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) have loads of information on websites, app and short films to help support your mental health and wellbeing, including such as how to cope with anxiety and managing stress.

CAMHS - find out more

Support with the Cost of Living

From energy bills to food prices, ongoing rises in the cost of living can be a huge challenge for you and your household but there is a wide range of support available.

Organisations across the city are working together in the ‘Spirit of Salford’ to help support residents so use these webpages to find the help you need. 

Support with the Cost of Living - find out more

Local Offer: For children and young people with SEN or disabilities

Here you will find a directory of advice and support services available locally for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities.

Local Offer

Local Offer - find out more

Holiday clubs

School holidays clubs

Household Support Fund

The Household Support Fund, provided by the Department for Work and Pensions, was introduced in October 2021 to support vulnerable households with essentials like food and energy costs.

Phase four of the Household Support Fund launched on Saturday 1 April 2023 and will run to Sunday 31 March 2024. Phase four of the scheme focuses on helping Salford residents with food and energy due to the cost of living crisis.

This scheme is discretionary and the funds will be used to support households in the most need. This particularly includes those who may not be eligible for other support made available by government.

Household Support Fund - find out more

Salford Assist

Help when you really need it

Life can sometimes throw the unexpected at you. Salford Assist is a Salford City Council scheme that can offer short term support to people who are in a crisis, emergency or major disaster situation. These situations can mean that you are unable to meet the basic needs of yourself or your family.

Salford Assist - find out more

Transport to school

Transport for pupils and students to and from school and college can be arranged free of charge, subject to certain criteria. 

Assistance is provided for primary and secondary school age pupils attending mainstream schools within the area and also to primary and secondary school age pupils attending special needs schools within the Salford area and beyond.

Pupils applying for free transport must live within the Salford boundary and be of statutory school age.

Transport to school - find out more

Being a parent

Being a parent is an amazing job but it’s not an easy one. There are moments of great enjoyment and also times where parenthood is challenging.

Every family is different and each can face different challenges, but what unites you as parents and caregivers is your desire for your children to grow up happy, learning new skills and feeling supported in their emotional wellbeing.

Being a parent - find out more

Parenting support

Here are some key parenting messages which will help support your child to grow into confident, emotionally resilient and independent young people.

If you would like more information on parenting support offered in Salford then please contact the parenting portal.

Parenting portal - find out more

Salford Information Advice and Support Services (SIASS)

How can we help you?

We offer information, advice and support to children, young people and parents about special educational needs and disability. This includes matters relating to health and social care. We have a role in ensuring your views are heard, understood and respected.

We're a free, dedicated, confidential and impartial service offering a single point of regular and consistent contact. We can explain how special educational needs are identified and assessed and who you should talk to. We can also tell you what your rights and responsibilities are.

SIASS - find out more

BetterOff in Salford - help for residents

BetterOff Salford is about helping everyone in the city with the cost-of-living crisis and finding ways for residents and businesses to become better off. It’s part of our plan to create a better and fairer Salford by tackling poverty and inequality.

Our Better Off service is for residents and businesses, both providing face to face and online support.

BetterOff in Salford - help for residents - find out more

Welfare Rights and Debt Advice Service

Get free confidential and independent advice on your benefits or debt problems.

We can help you work out what benefits and tax credits you are entitled to, assist with claim forms, and argue your case at an appeal if you disagree with a decision. If you have debt problems we can help you draw up financial statements, negotiate with your creditors and represent you in court. Get more detail about the different ways you can contact us for welfare rights or debt advice.

Welfare Rights and Debt Advice Service - find out more

NHS advice to help parents decide if their child is too ill for school

Is my child too ill for school?

Further information

Miss School, Miss Out – Back to school in September

Early help for families

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