Five to Thrive blocks

Being a parent is an amazing job but it’s not an easy one. There are moments of great enjoyment and also times where parenthood is challenging.

Every family is different and each can face different challenges, but what unites you as parents and caregivers is your desire for your children to grow up happy, learning new skills and feeling supported in their emotional wellbeing.

Parenting support

Here are some key parenting messages which will help support your child to grow into confident, emotionally resilient and independent young people.

If you would like more information on parenting support offered in Salford then please contact the relationships portal.

Triple P seminar schedule: July 2024 to October 2024

To access these sessions please complete your details via the universal relationships portal or contact us on 0161 686 7229.

These sessions are available to Salford residents.

Please note that we are reviewing our delivery model for these sessions. If there is a session you would like to attend but you would prefer a different day/time, please still complete the enquiry form so that we can help you.

Seminar title 10am to 11.30am 1pm to 2.30pm 5pm to 6.30pm

The power of positive parenting (0-12)

Monday 15 January 2024


Raising confident, competent children (0-12)

Monday 5 August 2024


Raising resilient children (0-12)


Tuesday 20 August 2024

Raising responsible teenagers

Monday 22 July 2024


Raising competent teenagers


Wednesday 28 August 2024


Getting teenagers connected


Wednesday 4 September 2024


Positive parenting for children with a disability (0-12)

Monday 7 October 2024

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Helping your child reach their potential – SEND (0-12)

Monday 16 September 2024

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Changing problem behaviour into positive behaviour – SEND (0-12)

Monday 9 September 2024

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Triple P Discussion Group schedule: July 2024 to October 2024

To access these sessions please complete your details via the universal relationships portal or contact us on 0161 686 7229.

These sessions are available to Salford residents.

Discussion Group title Mondays 10am-12pm
Langworthy Family Hub within Langworthy Cornerstones 451 Liverpool Street, Salford M6 5QQ
Wednesdays 10am-12pm
Langworthy Family Hub within Langworthy Cornerstones 451 Liverpool Street, Salford M6 5QQ
Fridays 12-2pm, Swinton Family Hub, within Swinton Gateway, 100 Chorley Road, Swinton M27 6BP

Getting teenagers to co-operate

2 September 2024


2 August 2024

30 August 2024

Coping with teenagers’ emotions

19 August 2024


4 October 2024

Building teenagers’ survival skills

12 August 2024


27 September 2024

Reducing family conflict (teenagers)

5 August 2024


20 September 2024

Dealing with disobedience (0-12)

9 September 2024


13 September 2024

Managing fighting and aggression (0-12)

16 September 2024


6 September 2024

Developing good bedtime routines (0-12)


25 September 2024

9 August 2024

Hassle-free shopping with children (0-12)


2 October 2024

16 August 2024

Hassle-free mealtimes with children (0-12)


9 October 2024

23 August 2024

To find out more about the different topics, expand the boxes below.

Helping with frustrations

Parents and carers can use play to help their children learn to beat frustration and complete difficult tasks.

By noticing and commenting when your child is concentrating, focusing or dealing with something calmly you are supporting them to recognise what they are doing well. This can help children to learn that it can be normal to find somethings difficult to accomplish.

Persistence coaching video

In this clip see how mum is encouraging her 18 month old to keep trying with the activity. What effect does it have?

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Persistence coaching video transcript:

Mum: Shall we have a go at your jigsaw?
Can you take the pieces out? The yellow one. (Gasps) the blue ones.
You are doing it very gently.
Ok, shall we try and put them back in? Where does it go? Up there?
Where does the head go?
(Gasps) you want to give it to me? And that one?
(Gasps) where shall we put this one? Put it in. What about that one?
Yay! Well done.
You are doing it very calmly.
Can you try turning it?
Do you want to try this one? Ok.
Well done!
You keep trying it. Try it in different ways.
Ok, what about the last one?
(Gasps) Jigsaw done? Yay (claps)

Here is a video which shows how a school are using these ideas to help children persist with trying activities.

Encouraging social and emotional skills

Children have a range of emotions just as we have as adults; although it can harder for children to manage or understand those emotions. When we as adults feel anger for example we can turn and say to people: "I'm feeling angry I need some space, I'm going for a walk".

Children may not have the skills to do that and so resort to behaviours such as shouting, throwing or even having a tantrum. Developmentally this is normal and we want to be able to give our children the skills to manage and understand their emotions so that they will be able to manage their emotions better.

It’s ok that your child feels emotions such as anger or upset – we all do – what is not ok is the negative response or actions we can sometimes experience with these emotions.

The following BBC article discusses how talking to your child is something that happens every day, but there are some simple ways of communicating which can encourage children to express their feelings, listen and co-operate.

Thoughts, feelings and behaviour

The way we think affects the way we feel and then in turn affects how we behave. It’s really natural during stressful times to think about things negatively.

When we have the ability to change the way we think, we can learn how to have control of our feelings and actions.

It can help to practice being positive; what 3 things have happened today to make you smile or feel grateful?

Watch the following video which explains in more detail the thoughts, feelings, behaviour cycle.

If you can't hear the video or don't have sound on your device you can turn on the captions option in YouTube.

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Benefits of child led play

Playing is so important for children’s physical, emotional and academic development as it helps them understand their world and their place within it. This then supports their self-confidence.

Child led play supports your child to have ideas and be in control of their exploration and learning. This allows them to experience independence and may allow them to extend new ideas.

You still play an important role in child led play however by providing a safe environment for your child to explore and test new ideas.
What play have you noticed your child leading in?

Child led play video

In the clip below see how mum lets her 4 year old lead the play. What effect does that have?

If you can't hear the video or don't have sound on your device you can turn on the captions option in YouTube.

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Child led play transcript

Child: This is my remote control car.
Child and Mum (make vrooming sounds)
Child: Hey, you know what this guy can do?
Mum: What can that guy do Ellis? (Gasps) Oh somersaults!
Child: Yeah and he can do this (demonstrates action off camera)
Mum: He’s a clever guy isn’t he, he’s standing on his head.
Child: Yeah because he’s a mechanic.
Mum: Is he a mechanic?
Child: Yeah “I’m ok”
Mum: And he’s just jumped off the jeep
Child: Yeah and he’s ok.
Mum: Oh, that’s good news.
Child: Because mechanics can never hurt themselves (vrooming noises)
Mum: Can they not? Oh wow, the mechanics doing somersaults! And he’s landing on the Army Jeep. Its really cool Ellis. Yeah, well cool.
Child: Cool right? He just went (demonstrates action off camera) Oh, how cool is that?
Mum: That is so cool.
Child: (Inaudible) He’s really cool.
Mum: Really cool and he’s on the front of the car now isn’t he? Let’s see. Whoah, more twists and turns! He’s such a good acrobat isn’t he?
Child: Yeah, you know. Nice right?
Mum: Wow he’s just flipped right into the seat!
Child: Yeah he’s just flipped like into the wing down.
Mum: Into the wing down.
Child: (inaudible) instead of sitting down.
Mum: Right so he’s changing gear isn’t he?
Mum: Wow.
Child: (Vrooms)
Mum: Wow!

Here are some great activity ideas for 0 to 12 month old babies.

Please check the position statement on the Right to Play (Adobe PDF format).

Learning through play

Parents have been telling us they are finding it difficult to teach their children. This can be extremely frustrating at times.

Play time can be a great opportunity to support your child’s learning by using different types of language to support their play meaning that your children are learning new things via their play time with you. An example might be to describe the different colours shapes and sizes of toys.

What kind of things could you comment on to help your children learn through play?

Academic coaching video

In the clip below see how mum is using different language to describe things to her 4 year old. Think about the effect that could have:

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Academic coaching transcript

Child: I’ve took (sic) one of my figures away to be a baddy.
Mum: Ok, so you’ve got the transformer baddy.
Child: Yeah
Mum: And I’ve got…
Child: That’s (inaudible - name of character)
Mum: A goody. And this is Chase’s blue car, isn’t it?
Child: Yeah, that’s going to be his car.
Mum: So I’m going to put my blue goody in my blue Chase’s car. And I’ve got a red dinosaur.

This finger painting video is a lovely clip from BBC tiny happy people website that shows parents using a finger painting activity as an opportunity to teach their children by commenting on things such as colour, objects etc and discussing how it feels or looks. Notice how calm they are.

Life after Year 11

Year 11s have almost completed this stage of their education, and whist there is still some uncertainty, there are new and exciting times ahead. Young people are likely to have an offer of further education from a local college or sixth form or they may be seeking an apprenticeship or other work based training programme.

Whichever pathway is next, they are also likely to be seeking a part time job to earn some additional cash. To help your young person, below is a list of key documents and information they will need in order to move into further education, apprenticeships or a part time job.

Life after Year 11

Parenting programmes

Our parenting offer has five key programmes to support parents and carers in Salford:

  1. The Solihull Approach
  2. Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities (EPEC)
  3. Incredible Years
  4. Teen Triple P Positive Parenting Programme
  5. Support for parents of children with a diagnosis of ADHD or ASD

These are evidence based parenting programmes which show that parents and carers who take part become more competent and comfortable in their parenting role, have strengthened relationships with their children and their overall family wellbeing increases.

Parents develop skills to enhance their child’s social, emotional and academic competency and learn strategies to deal with misbehaviour in consistent, non-punitive ways.

The Solihull Approach

We have a number of free online courses for parents and carers in Salford to help them support the young people in their families. These courses give information in jargon free, bite sized chunks to help parents and carers support children’s physical, emotional and brain development. The courses are evidenced based and have been developed by multi-disciplinary teams including health, education and psychologists. There are a number of main courses including Antenatal, Understanding your Baby and Child; and a number of shorter courses covering topics including the teenage brain, child feelings and mental health.

Groups of families and NHS logo

Course benefits

  • Cover from conception up to 19 years
  • Have voiceovers on the main courses if you prefer to listen to the content
  • Available in a number of languages as standalone courses or can be translated into over 100 languages using the in-built Google translate widget
  • Available 24/7

How to access the courses

Technical support

Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities (EPEC)

EPEC parenting courses are led by local parent facilitators who have completed accredited EPEC training and receive ongoing training, supervision and support from parenting specialists based in a local EPEC Hub.

The Being a Parent course is for parents of children aged 2 to 11 where parents learn a range of positive parenting skills, better understand children’s feelings, value effective parent-child communication and build better, more resilient family relationships.

Incredible Years

A series of connected evidence based programmes which aim to prevent child behaviour problems and support children’s social, emotional and academic learning. Courses include:

  • Baby Incredible Years (0-6 months)
  • Toddler (1-3 years)
  • Basic (3-7 years)
  • School Age (7-12 years)

Teen Triple P Positive Parenting Programme

A group programme for parents of children aged 12 to 16 years with behavioural difficulties and/or an interest in learning more about positive parenting skills that can be adapted to a wide range of parenting situations.

Support for parents of children with a diagnosis of ADHD or ASD

Our colleagues in Salford CAMHS run targeted courses and groups to support these parents including Triple P groups and Post Diagnostic Autism Groups.

Who to contact

If you would like more information on parenting support offered in Salford then please contact your local family hub.

This page was last updated on 1 August 2024

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